Tell a different story. Or as Yoda told Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, 'You must unlearn what you have learned."
As I awakened today (and I'm still waking up with my first cuppa), I was telling my Guides what I desire. They had shown me (numerous times) that I was too limited in my view and scope about what I desired. And when we are too limited in our desires, we limit the Universe. Because when we attract anything into our lives by the Law of Attraction, we do so, not necessarily by our thoughts, but by our beliefs and expectations. While it is possible to attract something new or different into our lives that is radically different from out beliefs and expectations, it is also highly improbable that we will do so. This would explain, for example, why so many people buy lottery tickets but rarely win. They have the 'thought' that they can win and they've even taken the action of buying the ticket. But they do not believe they they will win and win big. Therefore, they are not truly a vibrational match to their desires. Hoping and wishing something will happen for yourself is only pointing the way to your true desire. But you are not a vibrational match to your desires at this point if you do not believe that what you desire is truly yours to be had. The question always is, are you in alignment to the lack of something in your life, or are you dreaming a new dream and telling a new story about how you expect your life to now appear?
I have always wondered why Earth did not come with a better instruction manual *grin* What my Guide has shared with me is that to change something, I chose to enter into the 'something', to experience it, to learn about it, to form questions about it and then of course, to seek for answers. But as Albert Einstein pointed out, "No problem has ever been solved by the same level of consciousness that created it."
So what is the 'answer'? Dream a new dream. Tell a new story. Imagine the life you would desire beyond your wildest dreams. Do not continue to tell yourself stories of 'what is'. After all, when people believed that their only means of transportation was the horse and cart, someone eventually thought 'outside of the box' and invented the train and the automobile. And when the world had adjusted to trains and cars, someone else dreamed a bigger dream and invented air travel and even space travel.
YOU are the Dreamer of your own dream...your life. If you continue to focus on what is - on how things are in your life, you will never effect any real change. You may change jobs, relationships and even places of residence. But how many of you have noticed that while the faces and scenery may have changed, the basic 'problems' have remained the same? Because by using the same energy that you are a vibrational match to didn't change, what you have created in your life will continue to remain the same. We attract people and situations to ourselves to reinforce our beliefs and expectations. As we change our beliefs and expectations, we change our vibration. And then we attract people and situations to reinforce our new vibration. So please! DREAM A NEW DREAM! DREAM BIG! BE DARING! EXPAND YOURSELF!
YOU will BE the change you desire to see in your world!
Blessings of Love, Light and Peace!
PS...a piece of synchronicity *grin* Whilst I was researching my quotes on Google, I was led to a site called "Think / Exist"
Monday, August 24, 2009
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