Monday, November 30, 2009


Abraham is saying that the guest should say to himself,

"I think the only way I can ever become a really good focuser is to focus
outside the vortex for awhile and see how it feels, and then focus inside
the vortex and feel the results. I don't think I've been a slacker, I think
I've been a collector of data. I think I have been a collector of
experience. I have been a launcher of desires. I think I've been doing a
whole lot of step 1 work. I've filled my vortex full of things I want. I
wouldn't call that a slacker!

I've been going about life the hard way. Life outside the vortex is
thousands of times harder than life inside the vortex.

I don't deserve the label of slacker... I'd call that misinformed. I'd
call that trying to please others. I would call it going about it the hard
way. But I have never been a slacker.

I have NEVER been a slacker! And now I am going to apply my same ability to
focus with the Laws of the Universe. And just because it is easier, I will
not call myself a slacker.

I'm going to utilize the energy that creates worlds. I'm going to use the
leverage of alignment. I'm going to discover what a cooperative universe is
really like. I'm going to be in the vortex, thinking my way into alignment,
thinking my way into productivity, thinking my way into the success I want.
Thinking and feeling my way there!

Others looking at me who see me know longer paying the price of being out of
the vortex, THEY're going to call me the slacker."

They're going to say, "How in the world can things be so easy? You do not
look like you are paying the price at all anymore!"

And then I'll explain to them, "I was confused about this slacker thing,
too. Turns out that we are supposed to live well and life is supposed to be
good for us. And there is a Universal Force that is set up to accommodate
us. And all we have to do is find a way to get into alignment with it, you
And I was so busy trying to prove my worthiness that I help myself in
vibrational resistance to the ease. And I just got all frustrated and worn
down and then I stopped trying.
That's all that happened!"

But now, think about what you know NOW!

Seattle 7/12/09

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ain't dead yet!

I've been busier than busy at my muggle job!  On top of that, I've decided to begin a totally volunteer, not-for-profit called Spread Peace Now! - The Peace Church of Grand Rapids.  I have only the most basic of web sites up, but if anyone is interested, please visit me at:

If you would like to visit the 'parent' site to see what my Peace Church will look like, please visit

I have already begun a Reiki Peace Garden (if you would like your name added to a Peace Rock in my garden, just leave me a request here or on facebook)

My goal is to begin to partner with other organizations here in Grand Rapids (Michigan) like God's Kitchen and Crash's Landing (a no-kill shelter for cats) and any other organizations that float my boat, to help feed the homeless and help beautiful animals.  I'm also going to be making warm mittens and maybe some blankets and scarves and hats and getting those to the homeless or under-advantaged.

The idea is that, there are many things that one person or a group of regular folks can do the help their fellow human beings and beautiful animals. 

Also, 2 of my dear friendss, Swati Nigam and Sarah Cash, have graciously volunteered to make jewelry for The Peace Church.  Anyone who buys jewelry and desires to donate to the Peace Church will be given the option to choose an amount over and above the cost of the jewelry.  The entire amount of the donation will go to the Peace Church to help feed the homeless.

"Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!"

Love, Light & Peace!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Thought For The Day

This was posted by Story Waters at and I just have to share!

Thought for the Day: Let go of seeking to create or control the way in which you are seen. Let go of caring how others perceive you. Allow yourself to displease another when it is not your heart’s joy to take action that will please them. This is a powerful mirror of self-worth and sovereignty. Know that not even the whole world’s positive perception of you can heal what you do not feel within.

 Folks are on the same wave length today!  This was posted by my online friend, Lea WhiteFeather on facebook:

Lea WhiteFeather The sooner we accept that not everyone thinks or lives as we do, the sooner we can actually live rather than trying to convince anyone of the "validity" of our own beliefs.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sacred Heart Flame Meditation

As I was driving to work yesterday and saying my affirmations, I became aware of another 'presence' coming in.  There were many voices speaking as one (but I don't have a name as of yet). 

I had just read Drunvalo's (Melchizedek) book on Heart Meditation, so I must have been thinking about it. 

So my new friends told me just to be 'aware of my Sacred Heart Center'.  I could visualize a wee flame in my heart chakra.  It did feel very warm and lovely.  After awhile, I did discern a certain tightness in my heart chakra area. My new friends told me that for too, we (humans) and myself in particular have felt the need to protect our hearts by closing them off. Especially now, with the 09.09.09 energies, we are once again reminded to open our hearts and feel the flow in AND out of loving Source Energy.  We are loved and All is well! 

All that is 'required' of this meditation is simply to focus our awareness of our Sacred Heart Center (right in our physical heart).  Envision a small flame or simply feel warmth and or Love.  Really...don't overthink this! You don't need to have your eyes closed.  You can be walking, sitting or even driving. This isn't meant to take you 'some place else'.  It's meant to ground you where you are right NOW.  It's meant to allow you to stream Love into yourself and back out again.  It's meant for you to experience PEACE right now!

To what extent are you willing to experience LOVE and PEACE in your life right NOW?  Open up your Sacred Heart and allow the pure flow of Divine Energy to burn away the dross in your life and allow Pure Life Essence to flow in and out of your Being.

In Love and Light


Friday, September 4, 2009

Ahhhh....The Divine Mother

I've just finished reading a book by Drunvalo Melchizedek called 'Living In The Heart'.  Tis a short read (only 118 pgs long) and it comes with a cd of meditations.

I found some meaningful lines to record in my journal such as, "Everything is just Light & the world is created within the Human Soul" and " Keep your Awareness open and the Truth will reveal itself" and "All things are possible by staying connected to Mother Earth within the (your) heart."

But what really impressed me and began to make sense was when Drunvalo pointed out that 'Ohmmm' is the sound of the Divine Father and that 'Ahhh' is the sound of the Divine Mother (Earth).  'Ohmm' is in the head (I've always enjoyed how it reverberates in my head. Try saying 'Ohmm' in the shower for a total head rush!) *grin*  The logical mind (you know, where all of our incessant brain chatter is) is also in the head.  'Ahhh' is a softer sound and it truly does feel as if it is generated from the heart.

I have to admit, I've never heard of 'Ahhh' being the sound of the Divine Mother Earth.  However, two words in particular jumped out at me with the 'Ahhh' sound and I can definitely feel the Divine Mother quality in both of them.  One is 'Shanti' (shAHHHn-ti) which is sanskrit for 'Peace' and the other is 'Amen' (pronounced the more tradtional way of 'AHHHH-main').  BEing in a state of peace or serenity is rather self explanatory.  'Amen' is usually spoken as an affirmation at the end of a prayer...usually to the Divine Father. How appropriate that a word of 'knowing' ('Amen' is usually translated as 'So Be It!') would include the Divine Mother Earth?

To complete the Holy Trinity is none other than the Divine Child...YOU and ME! We are the ones asking with our intentions and desires.  This completes the triangle, or as Drunvalo explains, the portal into the Sacred Heart Center that we all possess and where all creation on the Earth begins to the delight of both Mother Earth and Father Sky (the heavens) as they are so much in LOVE with us! 

To consciously create from within our Sacred Heart center (rather than from the bruised Human Ego) is truly something to aspire to.  I know that I am going to be mindful in my meditations and grow this process.

Blessings of Infinite Light and Love~


Friday, August 28, 2009

/Neo "Whoa!

So as I was showering today, the question "How many angels can dance on the top of pin?" popped into my head.  So did the answer:

"The size of the head of the pin increases exponentially to accommodate the number of angels who are drawn together in intent and desire to dance on the head of the pin and who do not offer any resistance (judgment) about either the size of the pin nor the number of participants."

Well Duh! Doesn't everybody know that??  *grin*

Then also, another question popped into my head:

"Why do we (humans on Planet Earth) presume to assume that it is the angels who must change to accommodate the head of the pin rather than the other way around?"

This day is off to a great start ... don't 'cha think?


Monday, August 24, 2009

Dream a New Dream

Tell a different story.  Or as Yoda told Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, 'You must unlearn what you have learned."

As I awakened today (and I'm still waking up with my first cuppa), I was telling my Guides what I desire.  They had shown me (numerous times) that I was too limited in my view and scope about what I desired.  And when we are too limited in our desires, we limit the Universe. Because when we attract anything into our lives by the Law of Attraction, we do so, not necessarily by our thoughts, but by our beliefs and expectations.  While it is possible to attract something  new or different into our lives that is radically different from out beliefs and expectations, it is also highly improbable that we will do so.  This would explain, for example, why so many people buy lottery tickets but rarely win.  They have the 'thought' that they can win and they've even taken the action of buying the ticket. But they do not believe they they will win and win big.  Therefore, they are not truly a vibrational match to their desires.  Hoping and wishing something will happen for yourself is only pointing the way to your true desire.  But you are not a vibrational match to your desires at this point if you do not believe that what you desire is truly yours to be had.  The question always is, are you in alignment to the lack of something in your life, or are you dreaming a new dream and telling a new story about how you expect your life to now appear?

I have always wondered why Earth did not come with a better instruction manual *grin*  What my Guide has  shared with me is that to change something, I chose to enter into the 'something', to experience it, to learn about it, to form questions about it and then of course, to seek for answers.  But as Albert Einstein pointed out, "No problem has ever been solved by the same level of consciousness that created it."

So what is the 'answer'?  Dream a new dream.  Tell a new story.  Imagine the life you would desire beyond your wildest dreams.  Do not continue to tell yourself stories of  'what is'.  After all, when people believed that their only means of transportation was the horse and cart, someone eventually thought 'outside of the box' and invented the train and the automobile. And when the world had adjusted to trains and cars, someone else dreamed a bigger dream and invented air travel and even space travel.

YOU are the Dreamer of your own dream...your life.  If you continue to focus on what is - on how things are in your life, you will never effect any real change.  You may change jobs, relationships and even places of residence. But how many of you have noticed that while the faces and scenery may have changed, the basic 'problems' have remained the same?  Because by using the same energy that you are a vibrational match to didn't change, what you have created in your life will continue to remain the same.  We attract people and situations to ourselves to reinforce our beliefs and expectations.  As we change our beliefs and expectations, we change our vibration.  And then we attract people and situations to reinforce our new vibration.  So please!  DREAM A NEW DREAM! DREAM BIG! BE DARING! EXPAND YOURSELF!
YOU will BE the change you desire to see in your world!

Blessings of Love, Light and Peace!

PS...a piece of synchronicity *grin*  Whilst I was researching my quotes on Google, I was led to a site called "Think / Exist"

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Prayer

My prayer for today is for Peace.

"Pray a prayer of peace. Of inner peace. Of serenity. From this reservoir of inner peace, an outflow will cascade into your daily life. Make peace with your ego. It is doing the best that it knows how (as are all of you) All is as it should be. There is confusion as to how to go about creating what you desire. Of trying to 'make' things happen instead of 'allowing' or co-creating with Infinite Spirit. Beloveds - do not focus on what is not. Do not let your hearts be troubled! Hold the Divine Intention of what you desire and then cooperate with Spirit to allow the co-creation. Yours is not the only energy that is doing the creating. For too long you have seen yourselves as separate...separate from each other and separate from Spirit which Loves you and connects you in ways that are unseen - but yet felt at your inner most Being. This is the re-awakening. This is the yearning you have been feeling. Be gentle with yourselves. You have not strayed so far that you cannot return to your bliss. You have merely forgotten...forgotten who you are. Forgotten how simply and amazingly how to create with Spirit. There is no judgment nor even sadness for this. All is in Divine and right order. It really is. For you have never been without your compass nor lifeline. We are always at your side in Spirit and in Love to guide you safely back. Back to who you truly Are.

'Peace. Be still. And know I Am - your True Divine (God) Essence."

The Masters breathe their breath of Peace and Love and above all... Joy in Abundance to All!

Namaste' and Blessings

There is Great Love for you today and always...

~AA Raphael and Isabella